Take Control of Your Legal Career With Carbon Law Partners
Carbon Law Partners was established in 2014 as a platform to connect lawyers and clients in ways not possible in traditional or consultant solicitor law firms.
They are dedicated to finding talented lawyers who are looking to take control of their legal careers and who can advise clients when, where and how they choose.
Carbon Law Partners provide you with all that you need to start a law business and support you with its operation, while also helping you focus on delivering quality legal advice to your clients and building something with capital value.
Flourishing Together
With experience in both private practice at top 20 law firms and from boards of large financial services businesses, Carbon Law Partners took the fundamentals of the existing law firm model and blended it with inspiration from other sectors to align the interests of all stakeholders, including clients, lawyers, support staff and suppliers.
This use of integrated knowledge created the ideal platform model that offers lawyers more freedom in the way they worked, while also providing them the essential tools to grow their legal practices.
Additionally, Carbon Law Partners strongly believe in sharing success with those who shape and drive the platform and give their lawyers and operational teams the option of owning shares, so that everyone can flourish together, as a community.
Not only this, but when a partner retires, there are options for transferring their practice to another partner at Carbon Law Partners to ensure that you never write off capital value and you can manage your career as you work towards retirement.
Committed to Quality
Carbon Law Partners is for talented lawyers who are looking to build something with capital value and are who committed to being the best lawyer for their clients.
They instil a strong set of qualities in their lawyers, such as:
- Equity – Carbon Law Partners provide all lawyers the opportunity to own a share of the firm, so that when they are successful, you are too.
- Quality – With the belief of setting the bar very high, the aim is to deliver an outstanding quality to their clients.
- Community – Carbon Law Partners encourage their partners to collaborate and make the most of the team around them.
These values help create a culture where lawyers can excel amongst like-minded individuals and share in their combined success, together.
So, if you want to join their community of experienced lawyers, the process is simple.
All you have to do is complete an initial expression of interest before putting together a business plan for review. Then if all goes well, you will be expected to complete a number of informal chats and a formal interview – where you will also have the opportunity to meet their current partners and CEO.
If you are successful, you will be provided with the key tools to build an effective and lucrative law career, while also being assisted with arranging regulation, managing administration, support with the operation of your law firm, the freedom to set your own standards and the opportunity to construct a practice with value and focus on your clients.
More information
To find out more about Carbon Law Partners and their services or to discover how to join their platform and take control of your legal career, please visit their website at https://carbonlawpartners.com/.
Source: https://thenewsfront.com/take-control-of-your-legal-career-with-carbon-law-partners/

About Carbon Law Partners
Carbon Law Partners was made with you in mind. Made for clients to get straightforward legal advice with the highest quality and client care.